All Paleo Recipes
Gingerbread Cookies
Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas. It’s the most awesome time of the year. But just because it’s awesome doesn’t mean you start getting all Christmassy in October. That’s just stupid. But it’s now the latter part of November which is a perfectly...
Shout out to all my sweet as Kiwi mates, you’re all bloody legends. Just the small issue of you guys pronouncing your ‘E’s’ as ‘I’s’ . I was a bit taken aback when I was last in Auckland and my mate asked me if I wanted to sit on his freshly...
Fruit Mince Slice
‘Tis the season to get chubby, fa la la la la, la la la laaaaaaaa. Well it doesn’t have to be if you stick with making smart dessert choices like this one instead of being lured down the slippery slope of cookies, pavlova and that slop called...
Fruit and nut bread
This here loaf of loveliness is hands down one of my favourite things I make. It’s like next level raisin toast, except I’ve gone the no-raisin route and completely tilted the “stuff inside” to “bread” ratio to a level that I like, which is chock a...
Fig, Almond & Honey Cake
This recipe was brought to you by…pricy figs that I forgot I bought that I found going squishy in the bottom of the fridge drawer. But don’t worry, some of my best work has come from this situation, including this cake. It’s just so damn pretty...
Espresso Protein Chia Pudding
People who say expresso instead of espresso need to get in the bin. Same deal with you guys that say excetera and supposably. And if anyone says pacific instead of specific, please go apologise to your English teacher. Thank you for coming to my...
Cranberry and Pistachio Cookies
I should really call these Impossible Cookies, because they are impossible to screw up. Use the base to add in your own variation of dried fruit and nuts and you’re in the zone.
Coconut Yoghurt Panna Cotta
I’ve tried numerous different recipes to make my own coconut yoghurt and I call bullshit on all of them. None of them work, it’s a bloody hoax. So while it pains me to pay the same price for a tub of COYO here in Dubai as I would pay for a decent...
Coconut Panna Cotta
So Panna Cotta translates to “cooked cream” in Italian. I think I can get away with calling this Panna Cotta because I use coconut cream, but there’s very little cooking involved I can assure you. These babies can be whipped up in a matter of...
Christmas Pudding Balls
Im not a huge fan of some traditional Christmas desserts that people seem to keep flogging every year… Christmas cake, nope. Trifle, slop. Panettone, dry as a nun’s nancy. But the old Chrissy pud seems to go down alright with the punters. So this...
So last time we were home in Australia, the hubs picked up a bag of chocolate coated pepitas at the store. Loved them. Munched through a few bags while we were there. Bought several bags to bring back to Dubai with him. Munched through those....
Trump is president, there are people that still believe the earth is flat and influencers on instagram still think anyone gives a toss about their beauty routine. Gwen Stefanie was right – “this shit’s bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!” Well, when the world...