Mains Recipes

Spanish Pork Skewers (Pinchos Morunos)

Ola Senors and Senoritas! Hands up if you like meat on a stick?! Yup, thought so. These spicy little Moorish mofos are a bit of a go-to for me because they tick all the boxes we like….delicious, simple ingredients and bloody easy to knock together, leaving you plenty...

Shredded Kale & Brussels Sprout Salad

I used to hate Brussels Sprouts. The way my nanna used to boil those tiny, farty cabbages up whole and serve them in all their bitter glory made my gag reflex go into overdrive. As an adult, (questionable), I love them. Probably down to the fact that I use cooking...


“Hey Shazza! Fancy a schnitty down the Rissole this sarv?” (Australian proverb). I always fancy a schnitty and now you can whip them up at home, minus the crap bread crumbs and all the grease. Don’t be a princess about there being a couple of steps in the prep and a...

Roast Cauliflower with Dates, Dill, Pistachios & Harissa Dressing

Some people like to decorate cupcakes, I save my kitchen Picasso moments for my bad-ass salads. You’ll be surprised what you can get people to eat if you make it look pretty (there is a dirty joke begging to be made here, but I’ll keep it clean). So next time you make...
Spanish Pork Skewers (Pinchos Morunos)

Spanish Pork Skewers (Pinchos Morunos)

Ola Senors and Senoritas! Hands up if you like meat on a stick?! Yup, thought so. These spicy little Moorish mofos are a bit of a go-to for me because they tick all the boxes we like….delicious, simple ingredients and bloody easy to knock together, leaving you plenty...

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Shredded Kale & Brussels Sprout Salad

Shredded Kale & Brussels Sprout Salad

I used to hate Brussels Sprouts. The way my nanna used to boil those tiny, farty cabbages up whole and serve them in all their bitter glory made my gag reflex go into overdrive. As an adult, (questionable), I love them. Probably down to the fact that I use cooking...

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Cajun Chicken with Mango Salsa

Cajun Chicken with Mango Salsa

This has become a bit of a favourite go-to, midweek meal at our house. Not only is it reasonably quick and easy to knock together, but any leftover chicken makes a fab lunch the next day in a salad or a lettuce wrap. To be honest with you, this was the first dinner I...

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Balinese Chicken Curry

Balinese Chicken Curry

“You look good today Rhonda. Hot like a sunrise…” This curry is so damn good, you’ll have your very own Katut knocking down your door to taste what you’ve knocked up. Don’t be freaked out by the long list of ingredients, or by making your own curry paste. It’s all...

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Smoked Salmon Frittata

Smoked Salmon Frittata

Frittata. The ultimate lazy meal. A bit like an omelette, but you don't have to flip it. Bit like a quiche but you don't have to bother yourself with a pesky crust. A bit like you've gone to some trouble, but really you just used up what was in your veggie drawer. Up...

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Honey Sesame Chicken Noodles

Honey Sesame Chicken Noodles

To say I like my vegetable Spiralizer would be an understatement. I LOVE my vegetable Spiralizer!! It's an amazing, inexpensive kitchen tool that's easy to use and, most importantly, easy to clean (unlike you Mr Juicer hiding in the back of the cupboard taking up...

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Italian Meatballs

Italian Meatballs

It took me ages to decide what to name this dish…..just kidding! These bad boys contain tomatoes, basil and Balsamic vinegar, call me predictable but I think it was pretty obvious where we were going here.  These are a pretty stock standard mid-week meal at Casa...

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Lebanese Tahina Fish (Samke Harra)

Lebanese Tahina Fish (Samke Harra)

Let's be honest, plain white fish is just a bit, well, beige. I'm guessing though, if you're reading this, you're not here for my charm and good looks and you're expecting a solution for this beigeness. Well, ta-da! I present you with my version of Samke Harra, which...

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Seafood Paella

Seafood Paella

The first time I ever went to Spain I was so excited to have authentic Paella. I hate to say it, but I was kind of disappointed. It seemed to me to be a big ol’ panful of rice with not a lot of much else. I needed a search party to help me find […]

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Almond Chicken

Almond Chicken

Who doesn’t love easy? Well this dish is mid-week, work-was-shit, the-kids-are-brats, I-can’t-be-arsed easy. It’s also complete with a bonus “oh look, an opened bottle of wine” scenario. So pour yourself a glass, calm your farm and get this on the table in a flash. I’m usually not very demanding of you, but do use smoked paprika, it adds […]

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Nut Crusted Salmon

Nut Crusted Salmon

I love me some salmon for my din dins! Not only is it the tastiest darn fish on the market, but packs some powerful health punches to boot. Got some fussy fish eaters at your digs? Convince them to chow down on those Omega 3's by sticking some nuts to those pink...

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