Looking for a sweet treat? Well jam this here slice right in your talk hole.
Jam Slice is a little bit retro, but then so am I. Well at least according to TikTok and Gen Z-ers I am. According to them I do a couple of things that I should hang my head in total shame about….I wear skinny jeans and I have a side part. Shocking I know. But they were taking a swipe at Millenials when they said it, and I’m a generation past that. I’m Gen-X for crying out loud. Does this make my sins better or worse? Am I officially one of the Golden Girls? I’m not sure, but damn it you opinionated little upstarts, I have a double cowlick OK? I either have a side part or a buzz cut. These are my choices. Look Gen-Z, you’re welcome to your opinion, but if you try to cancel Lululemon and Metcons, I will F-ing riot.