So I can’t promise any of these are going to knock you for 6 straight into the land of nod, but a healthy tipple pre-bedtime has got to be worth a shot over popping some chemical laden tablet from the pharmacist right?

TART CHERRY JUICE – sugar-free obviously. Cherries are chock full of melatonin which naturally aid the regulation of sleep cycles.

LEMON BALM – either tea or fresh leaves steeped in hot water. Lemon Balm is hyped to be a natural stress buster.

PURE COCONUT WATER – it contains potassium and magnesium which work to relax muscles, and Vit B which helps reduce stress.

BANANA SMOOTHIE – a mix of banana, almond milk and almond butter will not only keep you full through the night, it also contains a load of potassium and magnesium to keep you relaxed. Almond milk also contains the amino acid tryptophan, which when consumed converts to melatonin in our body, aiding sleep.