I know, I know, green smoothies are the epitome of breakfast wankery. Drank by Instagram model-wannabes and fitspo douche-canoes the world over. But hold up, before you start thinking I’m a basic bitch, hear me out. Besides how nutritious and filling this smoothie is, the convenience of this meal-in-a-glass will win you over. Talk about brekky on the run. And I promise you don’t have to take a selfie while drinking it using that irritating dog Snapchat filter and hash tagging #blessed.
Green Smoothie
- Throw all the ingredients into a high powered blender and whizz until smooth. If your blender has seen better days, you might need to grate the ginger first. Or invest in a new blender…
Serves 1
- 250 ml coconut water
- 1 small cucumber, peeled and roughly chopped
- 1 stalk celery
- Large handful baby spinach leaves
- 1 large kale leaf (stalk and all)
- 1/2 avocado
- 1/4 cup blueberries
- Dozen mint leaves
- Fresh ginger, peeled (about 3cm piece)
- Fresh turmeric, peeled (about 1.5cm piece)
- Scoop of greens powder (optional)