If you have made some of my recipes or tried my Meal Plan, you’ll see coconut aminos listed in the ingredients quite often. If you’re not quite sure what it is, here’s the tea…

WHAT IS IT? – it’s a dark coloured sauce that is made from the fermented salmon of the coconut palm. It has a salty, savoury umami flavour making it a delicious seasoning sauce and perfect as a soy sauce replacement (soy is not regularly consumed on a Paleo diet, unless it’s a non-GMO fermented miso). It’s also much lower in salt than regular soy sauce.

So if you’re into pan-Asian food/cooking, but trying to stick to a healthier Paleo diet, then you need this as a regular in your pantry.

While there’s a few different brands available now in Dubai and it’s creeping into mainstream supermarkets, I usually buy this one from the Organic Supermarket.